Welcome to the new and improved Akedo Remastered. We’ve been keeping ourselves busy, listening to you and making sure we can give you the best experience every time. Whether you want some casual gaming with friends, a private birthday party, or to host your own music events, we’ve taken all your needs into account and are hoping to blow you away with all our changes. Fear not though, we haven’t changed everything, we’ve just made it better!

Think you’re pretty hot? Think you’ve got some mad gaming skills? Here at Akedo we like to put our money where our mouth is.

Once a week we have our beat the boss challenges. Toby will choose a game and will either set a high score or take challenges on in a 1v1 game. Win anything from a drink through to a game. Have you got what it takes?

BTB Challenge








We love live music, and we know you do to. Whether you’re a music aficianado, a performer , a band or a DJ, we’ve got the space and a list of events for you to enjoy or perform at. If you want to put on a night or find out about performing, get in touch to see what we can do.

Address: 13 Corporation St, Lincoln LN2 1HL

Telephone: 01522 274 200

Email: info@akedogamingbar.com


1 + 8 =

Become a member!

We print a limited number of awesome enamel badges, that show everyone that your part of the club. Just send your details and we will contact you telling you when the next batch of pins are in. We do this so everyone gets a fair chance of owning one and getting great discounts.

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